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You've been scammed, hacked or breached!

Be aware of the risks and protect your business with process integrity

Another year, another scam. While data driven crime is more sophisticated and difficult to address than ever, human error and judgement remains one of the major problems.

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The right strategy for the right phase at an engineering start-up

When a business starts up, cash is king. A good accountant can provide invaluable advice on how to maximise cashflow in the early years while saving for the looming taxes.  

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Tax Time: Are you in the ATO's sights?

A consistent theme this tax time is overclaiming and under reporting. With the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) getting more and more sophisticated in its data matching approaches, taxpayers can expect greater scrutiny where their claims are more..

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How many properties do you need to retire?

It is a universal truth that everyone wants a secure future so they can live out their golden years in comfort. In our youth, we study with the aim of being able to land great positions in the workforce. Then as working professionals we strive to..

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