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Here is a summary list of the tax and super changes that come into effect on 1 July.
Today, approximately 500 super funds are operating in Australia, with assets approaching $3 trillion. Superannuation is either the largest single asset held by Australians or the second most valuable asset behind the family home. Making the most of..
The end of the financial year is fast approaching. Now is a great time to prepare and seek additional advice on the management of your superannuation and tax.
Most business owners would be excused for feeling like they’re in a time warp this year. Just as the year began, along came COVID-19 that’s made it feel fast and slow all at the same time.
The federal government’s COVID-19 support measures contain a range of specific requirements for self-managed super funds (SMSF). This article outlines the relevant measures and how to manage them.
"Only when the tide goes out, do you discover who’s swimming naked”.Warren Buffett
If you were investing during the GFC (2008-2009), you would remember your superannuation balance significantly decreasing and taking many years to get back to its..
As at 16th April 2020, the ATO had received 881,600 Australian’s registering an interest in accessing their retirement savings under the Government's temporary Early Release of Superannuation scheme. It is one of a host of measures to help..
The JobKeeper payment is a $130 billion scheme to support businesses that are significantly affected by the Coronavirus crisis.
The Federal Government has created a series of superannuation measures to help households and businesses deal with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
The superannuation guarantee (SG) amnesty provides employers with a one-off opportunity to self-correct errors within their employee super guarantee payments.