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The cost of living has eased over the past year but consumers are still under pressure. For business, planning is the key to managing Christmas volatility.

For business, the Government is picking winners through targeted public investment with its Future Made in Australia Framework that they are betting will pave the way for private investment in net zero transformation and the strengthening of..

Imagine what you could do with tax saved?

In August 2023, the NSW State Revenue Office ruled that GPs working under fee-for-service arrangements would be employees for the purposes of payroll tax (i.e. relevant contracts), and the Victorian office issued a near-identical ruling at the same..

Imagine what you could do with tax saved? You could:

A recent case, Thomas and Naaz, has brought medical practice service agreements under the microscope.

A reminder of what changed on 1 July 2022
Several changes to superannuation and taxation came into effect on 1 July. There are implications that every business and individual needs to be aware of. Here's a neat checklist to keep you informed.

Recently the ATO sent letters to directors who are potentially in breach of their obligations to ensure that the company they represent has met its PAYG withholding, superannuation guarantee charge, or GST obligations.

Two landmark cases before the High Court highlight the problem of identifying whether a worker is an independent contractor or employee for tax and superannuation purposes.