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Why the ATO is targeting babyboomer wealth

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) thinks that wealthy babyboomer Australians, particularly those with successful family-controlled businesses, are planning and structuring to dispose of assets in a way in which the tax outcomes might not be in..

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What makes or breaks Christmas?

The cost of living has eased over the past year but consumers are still under pressure. For business, planning is the key to managing Christmas volatility.

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Employee shares vs. purchasing equity for Australian businesses

One of the key issues facing Australian businesses is attracting and retaining talented staff. While some businesses offer generous additional superannuation, health insurance, and life insurance benefits, it is becoming increasingly popular to..

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10 key tips for business structuring

Many professionals and businesses look to save tax and minimise risk by setting up companies and family trusts.

Generally, the more complex your structure, the more tax you may save but there are pitfalls in creating overly complex structures.


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Relevant Contracts, the Payroll Tax Dilemma and Medical Practices

In August 2023, the NSW State Revenue Office ruled that GPs working under fee-for-service arrangements would be employees for the purposes of payroll tax (i.e. relevant contracts), and the Victorian office issued a near-identical ruling at the same..

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Contractors and Payroll Tax: Medical Practices under the Microscope

A recent case, Thomas and Naaz, has brought medical practice service agreements under the microscope. 

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How a Sydney medical practice flourished after doing the numbers

We have much expertise working with health and medical practitioners, one being a successful physiotherapy practice in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. The owners were keen to expand and had the opportunity to lease a second premises next door. First,..

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"First holiday in years” – Digitising a family business delivers lifestyle windfall

In this case study we explore how implementing the right systems to streamline and automate their manual processes created much needed capacity for these family business owners, allowing them to take a well earned holiday!

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