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Are you a company director? You’ll soon need a Director ID

Directors will be required to register for a unique identification number that they will keep for life, much like a tax file number under a rewrite of Australia’s business registers.

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New lockdown support is available to business in NSW

If your business has been adversely impacted by the recent lockdown in NSW, support is available. Read on to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.

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Nine Important “last minute” answers for the End of Financial Year

After a difficult year we want to prepare you for when June 30 rolls around.  So, here are some last minute answers to those tricky questions to get you EOFY ready for 2021.

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2021 Budget – what this means for business and employers

The 2021 budget delivers plenty of initiatives for our business owners and employers; immediate asset write off retained until 30 June 2023, carry back losses, Employee Share schemes, residency simplified, investment incentives for the digital..

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Will the ATO be targeting Professionals and Professional firms?

The ATO updated their guidance on Service entity arrangements in 2019 and now in 2021 have provided a broader risk matrix to determine which professional practices should be reviewed and/or audited. Should Professionals, such as doctors, dentists,..

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Superannuation changes from 1 July 2021

Changes from 1 July 2021 will impact how much money you can contribute to superannuation and how much you can have in your retirement phase superannuation account.

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Professional services firm profits under fire

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has been concerned for some time about how many professional services firms are structured – specifically, professional practices such as lawyers, architects, medical practices, engineers, architects etc.,..

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The Pandemic Productivity Gap

A recent article published in the Harvard Business Review by Bain & Co suggests that the pandemic has widened the productivity gap between top performing companies and others.

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Fringe Benefits Tax 2021: Tax & Employee Benefits

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is one of Australia’s most disliked taxes because it’s cumbersome and generates a lot of paperwork. The COVID-19 lockdowns have added another layer of complexity as many work patterns and behaviours changed.

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How to sell your business

We’re often asked the best way to sell a business. There are two key components at play in the sale of a business; structuring the transaction and positioning the business to the market. Both elements are important and can significantly impact your..

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