Instant asset write-off extended
Temporary full expensing (in the first year of use) enables your business to fully expense the cost of:
- new depreciable assets
- improvements to existing eligible assets, and
- second-hand assets
Some expenses are excluded, including improvements to land or buildings that are not treated as plant or as separate depreciating assets in their own right. Expenditure on these improvements would still normally be claimed at 2.5% or 4% per year.
For companies, it is important to note that the loss carry back rules have not as yet been extended to 30 June 2023 – we’re still waiting for the relevant legislation to be passed. If a company claims large deductions for depreciating assets in a particular income year and this puts the company into a loss position then the tax loss can generally only be carried forward to future years. However, the loss carry back rules allow some companies to apply current year losses against taxable profits in prior years and claim a refund of the tax that has been paid. At this stage the loss carry back rules are due to expire at the end of the 2022 income year, but we are hopeful that the rules will be extended to cover the 2023 income year as well.
WLM can help
If you'd like help with understanding your obligations or any further information, please contact us today.