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Business tax planning for 2018-19

With the introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) for ALL employers, the importance of tax planning each quarter for all Directors will be imperative.

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When dividends are not enough: Where to invest for higher yield

Investing for total return, not just dividends, is the way forward for retirees.

It's a quandary every retiree faces: how to get a higher yield without taking on too much risk. Interest rates are in the doldrums and unlikely to budge any time soon..

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What money habits lead to success? - how to save money

What are the traits, behaviours and attitudes that lead to success?

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How to prepare for a tax office visit

The Tax Office is actively targeting geographic areas for special visits as part of a nationwide crackdown on the black economy.

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Single Touch Payroll from 1 July 2019

With the introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) for ALL employers, the importance of tax planning each quarter for all Directors will be imperative.

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"First holiday in years” – Digitising a family business delivers lifestyle windfall

In this case study we explore how implementing the right systems to streamline and automate their manual processes created much needed capacity for these family business owners, allowing them to take a well earned holiday!

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Tax Time: Are you in the ATO's sights?

A consistent theme this tax time is overclaiming and under reporting. With the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) getting more and more sophisticated in its data matching approaches, taxpayers can expect greater scrutiny where their claims are more..

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