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Main residence exemption abolished for non-residents and other tax issues to be aware of when moving overseas

On 12 December 2019, a law change means non-residents can no longer claim the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) main residence exemption unless, when a CGT event happens to their residential property in Australia, you were a foreign resident for tax purposes..

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Super guarantee opt-out for employees with multiple employers

Employees with multiple employers can now opt-out of the superannuation guarantee from all but one employer.

Employers are required to pay 9.5% superannuation guarantee for all eligible employees. But what happens if you are an employee with..

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Thinking of developing a property? Unexpected costs & how to avoid them

If you have a small property development project in mind, there are some essential factors to consider before purchasing that dream block. A range of taxes, duties and other unexpected costs can quickly add up.

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Tax warning on overseas income

Do you earn income overseas? A recent case highlights why you might pay more tax than you thought on foreign income.

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"First holiday in years” – Digitising a family business delivers lifestyle windfall

In this case study we explore how implementing the right systems to streamline and automate their manual processes created much needed capacity for these family business owners, allowing them to take a well earned holiday!

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