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How increasing inflation is eroding the value of your cash

In December 2020, Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor, Philip Lowe, issued a statement that the official cash rate is likely to remain at 0.1% until 2024, the lowest cash rate in Australian history. With a cash rate of almost zero for the next..

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Active Portfolio Management is Transforming Risk Management

Today's unprecedented market conditions have heightened investor uncertainty. Newspapers are reporting on fears of rising inflation, following a downward trend over the last three decades. Furthermore, central banks suggest that record-low interest..

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Plan your super contribution strategy for the 2022 Financial Year

Generally, your super savings will build up over the course of your working life as money from your employment income is put into super by yourself, or by your employer under the super guarantee (SG), if you’re eligible.

You can make additional..

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Investment Market Update: The Lander Report

We have had a number of clients ask us about our thoughts on the current investment markets and how our investment style (Goals Based Investing or GBI) will perform over the next one to two years.

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Important Super Changes for the new Financial Year

We are fast approaching the end of Financial Year and as always, there are a number of significant changes occurring to superannuation legislation effective 1 July 2021.

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2021 Budget – what this means for your superannuation

The 2021 Federal Budget proposed some important changes to superannuation and retirement legislation. The budget has provided opportunities for older Australians to contribute more into superannuation through the removal of the work-test (up to age..

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A Financial Plan can improve your health and wellbeing

We often focus on the money-related benefits of financial planning. Putting together a road map for your finances can improve your money management skills and help you reach your goals like paying off debt or saving for retirement. It makes sense to..

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Downsizing the family home in retirement - what you need to know

Did you know that older Aussies can put up to $300,000 into their super using the money from the sale of their main residence, regardless of caps and restrictions that otherwise apply.

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Where will investment markets go from here?

We have had a number of clients ask us about our thoughts on the current investment markets and how our investment style (Goals Based Investing or GBI) will perform over the next one to two years.

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How to avoid running out of money - Retirement planning strategies

Retirement has changed. We are not only living longer; we are also healthier and more active than ever before. This has all kinds of implications for our retirement and the amount of money we need to sustain our lifestyles. The statistics paint a..

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