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Amanda Rogers

Amanda Rogers

Recent Posts

Can you prevent a hack?

In the wake of the Optus data leak, legislation before Parliament will lift the maximum fine for serious or repeated breaches of the Privacy Act from $2.2m to up to $50m. But there are no guarantees that even the strongest safety measures will..

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States move on property based taxes

The Queensland and NSW State Governments have begun to move on property-based taxes to make the system fairer for investors and first-home buyers.

Queensland backs down on Australia-wide land tax assessment

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To cut or not to cut? Stage three personal tax cuts

In September, amid a climate of startling interest rates, UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng announced a series of tax cuts, including the reduction of the top personal income tax rate that applies to those earning more than £150,000 from 45% to 40%. Just..

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How should an accountant help you when buying a business?

Let's say a couple of business opportunities have presented themselves - and it's time to talk to your Accountant. But when is it the right time to engage an Accountant - and what can you expect? 

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Register your .au domain!

23:59 UTC on 20 September 2022 was the cut-off to register for your .au direct domain. The .au domain is the new, general purpose, shorter Australian domain name option.

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FBT-free Electric Cars

New legislation before Parliament, if enacted, will make zero or low emission vehicles FBT-free. We explore who can access the concession and how.

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What changed on 1 July?

A reminder of what changed on 1 July 2022

Several changes to superannuation and taxation came into effect on 1 July. There are implications that every business and individual needs to be aware of. Here's a neat checklist to keep you informed.

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Tax and the family home

Everyone knows you don't pay tax on your family home when you sell it…right? We take a closer look at the main residence exemption that excludes your home from capital gains tax and the triggers that reduce or exclude that exemption.

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ATO ramps up heat on directors

Recently the ATO sent letters to directors who are potentially in breach of their obligations to ensure that the company they represent has met its PAYG withholding, superannuation guarantee charge, or GST obligations.

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What to expect from the new Government?

Anthony Albanese has been sworn in as Australia's 31st Prime Minister and a Government formed. We look at what we know so far about the policies of the new Government in an environment with plenty of problems and no easy fixes.

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